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- 【原创】 关于红酒的一部电影
本期嘉宾:Warwick Ross澳洲导演 制片人澳洲酒庄庄主 酿酒师电影作品:Red Obsession (2013)、Reckless Kelly (1993)、Young Einstein (1988)、The Blue Lagoon (1980)
纽约会客室首播时间:周六、周日 22:30pm-23:00pm重播时间:周日、周一 7:30am-08:00am播出频道:美国中文电视73台, 63.4数字台节目组联系: wuzhang@sinovision.net
谭琳:Welcome to New York Lounge Mr. Ross.谭琳:罗斯先生,欢迎您来纽约会客室。
Warwick Ross:Thank you very much for having me.沃里克·罗斯:谢谢你的邀请。谭琳:First of all, congratulations on the film.谭琳:首先,恭喜您的纪录片上映!
Warwick Ross:Thank you, you are kind.沃里克·罗斯:谢谢你。
谭琳:Is it exciting that everyone can see what you’ve been working on?谭琳:当所有人都能看到你过去努力的成果时,是否很激动?
Warwick Ross:Yes, it takes us two years to make the film. So every filmmaker that works for two years would be very please when the film finally release and people get to see their work.沃里克·罗斯:是的,我们花了两年的时间制作它。我相信任何一个电影人,花费两年来制作一部电影,一定会很高兴看到影片上映,观众前来欣赏。
谭琳:So, are you satisfied with how it turned out?谭琳:您对这部作品感到满意吗?
Warwick Ross:Yes, I think every filmmaker wishes they have a little more time and they can do something slight differently. But actually I’m very pleased with the film.沃里克·罗斯:是的。当然,每位电影工作者都希望能有更充裕的时间把作品做得更好。但我已经很满意了。
谭琳:I heard it was a quick decision made on a flight.谭琳:我听说您是在飞机上做出这个决定的。
Warwick Ross:Yes that’s right. I was actually on an airplane.沃里克·罗斯:是的,我当时是在飞机上。
谭琳:What’s the story?谭琳:当时发生了什么?
Warwick Ross:I was flying from Sydney to London, which is, you know, a quite long flight. About 24 hours of flying. Few rolls behind me, I know somebody who I meet once or twice before. He’s an expert in the world of wine. He is called the Master of Wine. And we started talking. He said to me, you need to make a film about wine. And I said I need to find the right subject. And for the next 24 hours we talked about Bordeaux and what was happening in Bordeaux, and the Chinese effect on Bordeaux. Because I was born in Hong Kong, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to do something interesting.沃里克·罗斯:我当时正从悉尼飞往伦敦,那是一次24小时的长途飞行。就在我座位的后几排,我发现一位曾经见过一两次的朋友,他是世界著名的红酒专家。当我们聊天的时候,他说,你应该制作一部关于红酒的电影。我说,我要找一个好的主题。在这之后的24小时,我们就一直在聊波尔多和中国给波尔多带来的影响。因为我在香港出生,所以我觉得是时候拍这个电影了。
谭琳:So why did you want to make a documentary about the relationship between French wine industry and booming Chinese economy?谭琳:是什么让你最后选择拍摄这部关于法国红酒产业和中国经济崛起的纪录片?
Warwick Ross:It’s a very interesting question. I think what really entreat me was that wine itself has the ability to bring people together around the table, but it also has the ability to bring cultures together, and this was a perfect bridge. That’s what I saw, the wine, the French wine was like a bridge between France and China to bring the east and west together. And I think that’s the interesting connection between these two.沃里克·罗斯:这个问题很有趣。我觉得吸引我拍摄这部影片是因为红酒可以把大家都召集到一起,它是一个完美的桥梁,促进不同文化之间的沟通与融合。法国红酒在中法之间就像是一座桥,它沟通中西方文化,这是非常有趣的连接。
谭琳:Why did you choose this name?谭琳:你为什么选择(Red Obsession)作为这部电影的名字?
Warwick Ross:Red Obsession.沃里克·罗斯:《红色情结》。
Warwick Ross:Well, actually the name came very late, because we have two other names, both of the other names have the word “wine” in the title. I never really want to use the word “wine” in the title. Because as we developed, I found the film became much more about wine, it became about cross culture issues, it became more about China, the rise of China, the new power in China. So the word obsession, we took it from a interview with a Chinese lady in Hong Kong. She told us in the interview, when there’s a special bottle of wine, and she has to have it in auction house, she goes crazy. And she spent 1 million 5 hundred Hong Kong dollars for one bottle. And I said to myself, she is obsessed, and I thought, obsessed, obsession, that’s a good word to use. And at the same time we found out that Hong Kong was the biggest auction house center in the world for the red wine. New York used to be the biggest, not any more. Hong Kong is the biggest for red wine. And I thought, red wine and obsession, so Red Obsession.沃里克·罗斯:其实这个名字是后来才取的。之前,我已经有两个名字了,但这两个名字里都有“葡萄酒”。我不希望片名中有“葡萄酒”。但后来在拍摄进展中,我发现这部片子表达的已经远远超越了酒本身,更多是关于文化的议题,更多的是在讨论中国、崛起的中国、中国的新势力。“情节”这个词由香港的一位女士提出。她告诉我们,在一次拍卖会上有一瓶很特别的红酒,她发了疯一样想要买下它,最终她花了一百五十万港币。我后来告诉自己,她有很浓厚的红酒情结。所以我觉得“情结“这个词很适合作为电影名字。与此同时,我也发现香港已经是世界最大的红酒拍卖中心。纽约曾经是最大的,但现在已经被香港取代。我脑海中出现“红酒“和”情结“这两个词,所以电影的名字就叫《红色情结》。
谭琳:In this decade, China has become the biggest market in the world for all kinds of luxury goods, and there have always been rumors saying that Chinese people have no knowledge about the culture behind those goods or they purchase only to show off. So over the course of filming, what have you discovered?谭琳:过去十年,中国成了世界最大的消费品市场。有人嘲笑说中国人其实并不懂这些奢侈品背后的文化涵义,他们只是为了显摆。而你拍这部纪录片,你有什么发现吗?
Warwick Ross:I discovered some very interesting things. I discovered that the Chinese exposure to the west really started in modern history, started around 1979, when Deng Xiaoping allowed people to accumulate private wealth. Up until that time, no people really have experience for that generation of the western world. So when people come out of that period of culture isolation and they look around the world, it’s nature to look at the things the west has, and to say, if we can afford, we want the best. So what is the best, everything was very brand-driven , but it’s only the matter of time, Chinese was very sophisticated people and they learn very quickly. So, yes it may be true for short time they don’t know the background or they lead up to some of these goods, but in very short time they educated themselves and they will become extremely sophisticated.沃里克·罗斯:我发现很多有趣的事情。我发现中国真正开始接触现代世界大约是从1979年开始的,那时候邓小平允许中国人拥有私有财产。那时候的中国人与同时代西方人完全不同。当他们从一个隔离的文化中走出并接触世界的时候,他们很自然的开始关注西方的东西。可以这么说,只要你有能力,你就会想要最好的。那么什么是最好的,所有的东西都被名牌化,但这只是时间问题,中国人见多识广而且学习能力很强。也许他们现在并不知道这些奢侈品背后的文化,但他们能够自学成才,甚至变成专家。
谭琳:I think many western buyers are buying wine for investment, while Chinese are buying to actually drink them, does it surprised you at all?谭琳:我认为很多西方买家买红酒是为了投资,可中国买家却是为了真的要去品尝,你对此感到惊讶吗?
Warwick Ross:No, and I think it’s delightful, it’s fantastic. I think it come from the culture, the Chinese culture of sharing and gift giving. So it’s very important in Chinese culture, if you have something special, you don’t keep it and hide it, and hopes you make money in five years, you pull the cork and share it with people. And it is a very big difference we discuses between west and east. In the west, particularly in London and American, people will spend a million US dollars or 5 million US dollars and buy a lot of wine, very very good wine and they will store it they never see what the bottle even looks like, and they will sell it and make profits. What we discovered in China, is people spend the money on these wines, they delight and pulling the cork and sharing it with friends and saying try this. I was very impressed.沃里克·罗斯:不,我觉得这样很好。我认为这是中国文化的一部分,中国文化喜欢分享和赠与。在中国文化里,当你拥有一件很特别的东西的时候,你不会藏起来并期望能在五年内增值,你只会拔出瓶塞与朋友分享。这是东西方文化很不同的一个地方。在西方,特别是在伦敦和美国,有些人会花一百万,甚至五百万美元去买酒,但他们会藏起来,甚至连瓶子的模样都没见过。他们倒买倒卖因此获得收益。但是在中国,人们花钱买酒,他们喜欢拿出来与朋友分享,对此我印象十分深刻。
谭琳:I think you are very familiar with the Chinese culture. But are you familiar with the Chinese wine culture?谭琳:我觉得你对中国文化很熟悉。但你了解中国酒文化吗?
Warwick Ross:A little bit about Chinese wine culture, I can’t say I’m an expert. But I have been to many wineries now in China. In Yantai, and in Ningxia, particularly in Ningxia we went to many wineries there and there’s one in particular, Helan Qing Xue, which produces the wine called Jiabeilan and this wine won the World Wine Awards in London maybe 18 month ago, for the best Bordeaux style of wine in the world. It surprised absolute everybody that a Chinese brand could win this very top award.沃里克·罗斯:有一点了解,但不是专家。但我去过很多中国的酒厂。在烟台,宁夏,特别是宁夏的贺兰晴雪,他们酿的一种酒叫加贝兰,这种酒一年半前在英国获得年度波尔多红酒大奖。当时所有的人都很惊讶中国红酒能获奖。
谭琳:I think I like the film’s poster, rather than putting a wine master on the poster, you chose to put a Chinese businessman who owns sex toy factory on the poster, so why?谭琳:我很喜欢你们的电影海报。海报照片里的人并不是红酒专家,你却是选了一位制造性用品的中国商人,为什么?
Warwick Ross: he was one of our most intriguing characters that we interviewed.沃里克·罗斯:他是我们片子采访到最有趣的一个角色之一。
谭琳:How did you meet him?谭琳:你是怎么找到他的?
Warwick Ross:Difficult to meet people like that, cause he’s very wealthy and very very private, so it’s connection. In China it’s very important who you know, if you know the right people, you can get to the right people. It took our 6 month for asking questions who would be who would be good to interview and we found out about him. So we knew about him, but it’s difficult to find somebody who could get us through to him. Eventually when we made the connection, he was absolute charming, delightful. He is the largest manufacturer of sex toys in the world. And he invited us to his factory. And we have a good look around, that was quite surprising.沃里克·罗斯:很难遇到这样的人,因为他非常有钱,却非常低调,这都是靠关系。特别是在中国,关系非常重要,你要通过正确的人,才能找到你想要的。这花了我们六个月的时间四处询问,最后才找到他。我们知道他,但却很难找那个能帮我们跟他搭上关系的人。最后我们建立关系了,他很热情好客。他是全球最大的性用品生产商,他邀请我们去他的工厂,我们四处都看了,非常惊讶。
谭琳:What you saw when you first time walk into his office?谭琳:你第一次进入他的办公室你看到什么?
Warwick Ross:I don’t think I can describe what I saw in his factory, probably you can’t even show that on TV, but in his office was very Chinese, really elegant, very very delightful. Lots of little tea pots, and tinny curve characters.沃里克·罗斯:我很难形容他的工厂,也许你都不能在电视里播这些画面,但他的办公室是中国风格,非常的漂亮,很多茶壶和小摆设。
谭琳:No wine bottles?谭琳:没有酒瓶?
Warwick Ross:Wine bottles everywhere, Château Lafite Rothschild, he keeps them everywhere, in his office, in his study, his living room and his bedroom even. And these are very expensive wines, thousands of dollars per bottle.沃里克·罗斯:拉菲酒瓶到处都是。他把它们放的到处都是,在他的办公室、客厅、书房和甚至卧室里,那些都是很昂贵的酒,每瓶都是数千元。
谭琳:In this film there are several other Chinese characters, what did you learn from them.谭琳:你的纪录片里还有很多中国人,你从他们身上看到什么?
Warwick Ross:Well, I learned how passionate they can be about certain things, certainly the wines, these very top wines has become status symbols in China, there’s no questions about that, but we also learned the passion to drink the wine is quite extraordinary. I found the passion Chinese people had for drinking the wines and sharing the wines was more extreme than in the west. So I found the Chinese, they honored, they had more respect for the passion and the (odd of wineries) and wine makers than in the west. That was a very big difference and surprising difference.沃里克·罗斯:我发现他们对于红酒非常有热情,毫无疑问在中国那些顶级的红酒已经成为了一种地位象征,但是他们对于品尝红酒的热情依旧是独一无二的。中国人对于品尝和分享红酒的热情比西方人要高得多。他们对于酒厂,酿酒师也更为尊重。这与西方相比是一个令人吃惊的区别。
谭琳:Some people ask you who are those people spending a ridiculously amount of cash on a bottle of wine, what would be your answer?谭琳:如果有人问你,这些花天价买酒的都是些什么人,你会怎么回答?
Warwick Ross:I think if you have a great passion on something, whether it’s wines or whether it’s sports cars. If you really have a passion, you are gonna spend the money to buy that thing. If you have a lot of money to buy a sports car, I hope you at least to drive the car. You know, a lot of people buy old, fancy sports car and they store them, and in the west they store the wine, but in China, if they spend 10 thousand dollars to buy the wine, they will drink it, for sure they will drink it. So I was very impressed by the whole Chinese wine culture, even though it’s naïve, in this stage it still very naïve, really just on the surface. With the education in wine that happening in China now, and the number of wineries that been planted, the Chinese are planting tens of thousands of acre of vines every year to create their own wine culture. And the penetration of red wine culture is just growing like this, incredibly fast.沃里克·罗斯:我觉得如果你对某件事物有很大的喜好,无论是红酒还是跑车,只要你喜爱,无论花多少钱你都愿意去买。如果你花很多钱去买跑车,我觉得你至少要去开这辆车。在西方有很多人买了经典华丽的跑车然后就把他们放在车库收藏了,当然他们也收藏红酒。但是在中国,如果有人花了一万美元去买红酒,他们一定会喝掉。即便在现阶段的认知还是有些天真,仅仅停在表面,我依旧对中国的酒文化印象深刻。随着红酒的知识在中国的逐渐普及,越来越多的酒庄被建立起来,每年有上万英亩的葡萄被种植用于酿酒,红酒文化的渗透使得红酒产业在中国的发展非常快。
谭琳:Do you think the culture difference have anything have anything to do with the wine favor in China?谭琳:您认为文化差异对于红酒在中国的受欢迎有影响吗?
Warwick Ross:I think it’s true many wealthy Chinese is very expressional, so they want things that other people have. That’s quite nature to do that. As I said during their history there’s a period where a lot of Chinese people were cut off from what was happening from the west, so to come through that, the aspirational to be making money and be warning to spend that on interesting things from west. Yes, you started with the big name brands, most famous brand in China may be Château Lafite Rothschild, but what goes hand in hand in China with the consumption of luxury goods is fakery, fake wine. That’s also big problem in China. The major Château has to come up with different method to defeat that. But in time that will settle down and the culture drinking wine is gonna continue to grow.沃里克·罗斯:我认为确实有一部分中国的富人是爱面子的,所以他们希望别人有的东西自己也有。这是很自然的事情,就像我刚刚说的,在过去特定的历史时期,很多中国人对于西方世界的事情一无所知。跳离那个时期之后,人们努力挣钱并且愿意把钱花在感兴趣的事物身上。当然,人们总是习惯从大牌开始,在中国最有名的牌子可能是拉菲酒庄。但是伴随着奢侈品消费一起出现的还有制假造假,这在中国也是一个大问题。许多酒庄都在尝试不同的方法去对抗造假。但是时间的发展会解决这些问题,红酒的文化还会持续的发展下去。
谭琳:欢迎回到纽约会客室。Mr. Ross, is that true that wines are much more valuable than gold?谭琳:欢迎回到纽约会客室。罗斯先生,现在是不是葡萄酒比黄金价值更高?Warwick Ross: There are some wines that actually are more valuable than gold. Yes. And people buy these wines. Some of them stored them and kept them. But sometimes actually opened the bottles and drink these real wines. There was one lady we interviewed in Hong Kong, for one bottle of wine, she bid 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars, that’s more than gold.沃里克·罗斯:有些葡萄酒价格的确超过了黄金,而且有很多人买。有些人是为了收藏,但是有时也会开瓶享受。我在香港采访了一位女士,她开价150万竞标一瓶红酒,那瓶酒远比黄金昂贵。谭琳:But what do you think about the value?谭琳:你怎么看这个价值的?
Warwick Ross: well, I guess it depends on how much value you place on a great red wine. Some people place a great value on that. The experience to drink wine that nobody else can drink, nobody else can taste the wine. That may only be two or three bottles left in the world of this wine. How did you place value on that, the experience of pulling the cork and drinking that wine. What our characters in the film, what our interviewee is a very famous American film director, called Francis Ford Coppola. He told us a story that he was lucky enough to try a wine from Chateau Margaux, which was made four years after the French Revolution. So the wine was probably 1797. He tried that wine and said: “it was so special, incredible, wonderful. And the wine itself tells a story. It has a great story. Because this wine is two hundred years old, more than two hundred years old. And it describes the time, the place, the people, the history, the culture, all in a single bottle. So how can you place value on that?沃里克·罗斯:这要看你怎么赋予一瓶红酒的价值,有的人给的很高。这种经验不是每个人都有,不是每个人都可以品尝。有些酒全世界可能就剩下两三瓶了,你怎么判定开瓶和品尝的价值呢。这部纪录片里的一位被采访者,美国著名导演科波拉就告诉我们一个故事,他曾很幸运的品尝过Chateau Margaux,这瓶酒是在法国大革命结束后的第四年酿制的,大约在1797年,他试了之后说,非常特别,难以形容。这瓶酒本身就是一个伟大的故事,它有两百年的历史,记录了时代的更替与变换。那么我们又怎么来评判他的价值呢?谭琳:How did you find the director? How did you find him?谭琳:你是怎么找到科波拉导演的?
Warwick Ross: We were very lucky, actually with him. He was in Hong Kong, and I was in Hong Kong with my film crew. We realized he was ad a special wine of it. Because he himself is a wine maker. He has a winery in Napa Valley in California. And we asked a number of people, “could we place interview?” And it was very difficult to get through. Then we screened a little piece of the film for his personal assistant. They loved the movie, and they phoned and say, you have to do this interview. So that’s how we got Francis Ford Coppola.沃里克·罗斯:我们非常幸运。他当时在香港,我和我的拍摄团队也在。我发现他也是一个红酒制作商。他在加州的Napa Valley有酒窖。我们曾经找了很多人想要采访他,但遇到很多困难。后来,我给他的助手放映了一些已经拍好的素材,他们都很喜欢,并打电话给他说,你一定要接受采访。我就是这么找到科波拉导演的。
谭琳:So who told you the story of number “8”?谭琳:是谁告诉你幸运数字“八”的故事的?Warwick Ross: Well, number “8”, because it’s very famous number in Chinese culture.沃里克·罗斯:哦,八的故事在中国文化里非常有名。
谭琳:You knew it before?谭琳:你之前就知道?
Warwick Ross: Yes. Because I was born in Hong Kong. The lucky number 8. Yes, of course. But the French were very clever for the 2008 vintage. They decided they would put the number eight in Chinese character right on the bottle of wine. As soon as they did that, the price of that bottle of wine win up something like 60% in one day.沃里克·罗斯:是的,因为我出生在香港。幸运八的故事当然知道。法国人很巧妙的运用了2008这个年份,他们在那年的红酒瓶子上刻上“八”这个字。就在当年,这种瓶子酒的价格立刻上涨了60%.谭琳:So when you first heard that they put the number 8 on the wine bottle, what was your reaction?谭琳:你什么时候听说他们在酒瓶上刻“八”,你当时怎么想的?
Warwick Ross: I thought this was a little bit opportunistic. I thought it was very clever marketing. I wonder whether the Chateau could be a little bit too clever for the wine good. But the price wins up 60%, so maybe that just very good business. I thought it was a little bit cynical actually. But, you know, that’s what happened. Now the value that bottles come down. Initially win up, but I think Chinese now they understand the marketing principles the some of the Chateaus use. They are very clever, they are very sophisticated now. So the price is not quite extreme than they were.沃里克·罗斯:我当时觉得有点机会主义。我认为这种市场营销方式非常聪明,我甚至怀疑Chateau是不有点投机取巧。但是,价格涨了60%,可能这是一门好生意,事实上我觉得有点讽刺。但是已经发生了,还好现在价格已经降了下来,刚开始涨价的手段很有效,但我觉得中国人现在了解Chateaus的一些市场营销手段了。中国人非常聪明,现在久经事故。所以现在价格不会像以前那样疯涨了。谭琳:When you filmed those Chinese businessmen, they made an interesting point that they’re not afraid to start from scratch again because they’ve done it before. I know you were fascinated by with a Chinese developer who built a high rise building in only 15 days. What do you think about that?谭琳:当你拍摄那些中国商人的时候,他们有个很有趣的观点:他们不怕从头开始不怕失败,因为他们以前有过这样的经历。我也知道你曾经对中国发展商在15内盖起一栋大楼惊讶不已?Warwick Ross: I think it shows how dynamic China is right now. I think it shows what China is capable of. The energy the country has right now. Whenever I screened the film, I hearing the audiences when that scene comes up, that building is being built. And we show the entire sequence in what’s called time lapse. So in a very short space of time, you see the building being built. 15 days for 30 stories. And in the audiences always discuss, like this. Because western audiences can not believe that’s possible. But in China, it’s possible.沃里克·罗斯:我觉得这显示了中国的繁忙兴旺,显示了中国的活力和能力。每当我放映这部片子的时候,我会留意观众在这一镜头出现时的表现。我们展现整个盖楼片段,也就是所谓的时光飞逝,在很短的时间里展示盖楼的过程,15天盖30层,观众的表情都像这样惊讶不已。西方观众认为这是不可能的,但在中国,一切都变成现实。谭琳:Some people consider this film as a microcosm for shifting power, the changing of the guard from the west to the east, do you agree?谭琳:有些人认为这部纪录片是世界权力转移的缩影,从西方转移到东方,你同意吗?Warwick Ross: I do see that happened.沃里克·罗斯:我已经看到这正在发生。
谭琳:So how do the western audiences feel about the shift?谭琳:西方观众怎么看这种权力转移?
Warwick Ross: I think they think that these things are inevitable. It’s shift in power. It happens all the time in the world, if you look the world history. If you look in terms of wines, in the 90s’, the power with Russians in terms of buying power. If you look earlier from that, in the 50s’ and 60s’, it was the Americans that has the power to buy these wine. If you look back to the 16th century and the 17th century, it was the British that has this. So I think the wine is really just an element, it’s a conjurer. It’s way of expressing how the power shifting. If we focus on the Bordeaux wine, and changes of the price rises, the fact that the Chinese paying the price for those wines. It’s a way of displaying the shift from the west to east. It doesn’t mean go back from east to the east. But for the time being, I think that’s shift.沃里克·罗斯:我认为,他们觉得这是不可避免的, 权力已经转移了。这是历史常有的事情。当你仅仅关注葡萄酒的历史的时候,九十年代的购买力来自俄罗斯。更早期,50和60年代,都是美国人在买红酒。如果回到16和17世纪,是英国人。所以我觉得,这是一种现象。这是一种显示购买力转移的方式。如果我们聚焦在葡萄酒的国界上,在酒价格的上升上,中国人高价买酒就是力量转移的显著象征。这是购买力从西向东转移的一种显示。这不是说东方向东方的,但长时间来说,这就是一种转移。
Warwick Ross: I think as documentary make what you like to do is to present everything you see, in the feeling balanced way. I hope we’ve been very balanced way to display this. Very difficult to not show any kind of bias when you make film about France or the west and China. But it’s very important to us to show this as naturally as possible, and for people to make up their mind. So for me, the rights of Chinese middle class are something quite amazing, extraordinary. And to think in 1979, there is no personal wealth in China. And now, just so many years later, as many billionaires in China as there are in America. In America, of course, it has been wealth for a long time, inherit wealth from the famous family. But in China not so. In that short space of time, the Chinese cord up in terms of personal wealth. I think it’s extraordinary fate.沃里克·罗斯:我觉得纪录片可以让你把能看到的景象都展现出来,用一种平衡的方式。我也希望我们所用的手法都很平衡。但你要谈法国和西方世界与中国的关系时很难不带偏见。但对我们来说更重要的是用最自然的方式去展示,并让观众自己产生观点。对于我来说,中国中产阶级的崛起是非常令人惊讶的,非常了不起的。回头看1979年,那时候的人都一穷二白。但现在,许多年以后,中国拥有与美国同等数量的亿万富翁。当然,美国人的财富已经拥有很长一段时间了,它们都是从非常富有的家庭继承下来。但中国不一样,富豪都是在很短的时间积累了私人财富。这是非常特别的命运。
谭琳:You grew up in Hong Kong, so how did that experience help or affect you in making this film?谭琳:你在香港长大,这些经历是否影响到你制作这部纪录片?Warwick Ross: well, I think it drove me to make the film. Because I always have a very soft spot for Hong Kong and for China. My father himself lived in ShangHai through 1930s’ up to 1940. Then he moved to Hong Kong, and he spent restive his business life in Hong Kong. So he spent 40 years of his life in China. And I spent first 10 years in my life. So I think when this opportunity to tell a story, came about, and also I made one. I’m a vigneron also. So I’m a vigneron, I’m a filmmaker and I have a very close association with China. So this feel like a very nature progression for me to make this film.沃里克·罗斯:是的,这是让我制作这部纪录片的原始动机。因为我有香港和中国情结。我的父亲在1930年代至1940年一直生活在上海。后来他又搬到香港,他大部分经商的经历都是在香港,大约有40年。我在香港一直住到10岁。所以我觉得这次是机会让去拍这部片子去说这个故事。我是个与中国有紧密关系的电影工作者,所以这部纪录片也就水到渠成了。
谭琳:So why do you choose Russell Crowe to be the narrator?谭琳:你为什么会选罗素.克劳为这部片子配音?
Warwick Ross: Well, did you see Gladiator?沃里克·罗斯:你看过电影《角斗士》吗?
谭琳:Of course he’s so handsome I think.谭琳:当然,我觉得他很英俊。
Warwick Ross: Unfortunately don’t get to see Russell in the film, only his voice. But his voice is enough. His voice is like the voice of Maximus in Gladiator, the most beautiful voice in the world I think. His voice is also like a beautiful mature Bordeaux wine.It’s so rich, so elegant, and has power, and has authority. He was the person, when I made my list who I would like to read the film, he was the NO.1. No question, he was right on the top. So the difficulty was how would we find Russell and get him to agree.沃里克·罗斯:非常遗憾的是他没有在镜头里出现,仅仅只有他的声音,但这已经足够了。他的声音就像《角斗士》里的男主角马斯麦斯,这是全世界最性感的声音了,像是一杯上品的波尔多红酒。是那么的有内涵,有磁性,也很有力量。但我在名单中寻找配音演员的时候,毋庸置疑他是最好的,但难题是怎么去请他来配音。
谭琳:Will audiences from different cultures have different views?谭琳:不同文化背景的观众会对影片有不同看法吗?
Warwick Ross: Do you mean a specificly other countries?沃里克·罗斯:你是说不同国家的观众吗?
谭琳:Chinese, western, eastern.谭琳:比如中国观众,西方和东方观众。
Warwick Ross: well, everybody takes a different view of the film. Because I always been own culture perspective. That’s natural, every culture does that. But the Chinese people I screened the film to so far, find absolutely reverting, and fascinating. So I really would love to get release in China. Because I think it shows very much this bridge I talked about earlier. This bridging of the west and east. I think really in the world, it’s so important that we build bridges. Because it’s really easy to have communication break down between cultures don’t understand each other very well. And China has for a long time been fairly difficult to understand for western people, it has been very difficult. Because it’s been fairly isolated. But now it’s not. It’s opening up, has been opening for the last 20-30 years. But it’s very important I think, for the western audiences, western culture to understand more about the Chinese culture. And similarly for the Chinese culture to understand more about the west. Wine create the bridge can bring those two things together.沃里克·罗斯:每个人都对这部影片有不同的看法。因为我自己总会有基于自己文化背景的观点。这是很自然的,任何文化背景的人都会这样。到目前为止,看过这部电影的中国人反响很好。所以我真的很想在中国上映这部电影。这很好地体现出我刚才说的“桥梁”,它在东西方之间架起了桥梁。我想我们架起的桥梁对全世界都很重要。它让不同文化之间的交流更容易。长久以来,由于中国的封闭,西方人民很难了解中国。现在改变了。中国更加开放,已经开放了30多年。我认为这很重要,对于西方观众,他们对西方文化的了解远多于东方文化。这对于中国人更多地了解西方也是一样的。 酒架起的桥梁将这两者联系在了一起。
谭琳: last question, please give us your perspective of modern day China?谭琳:最后一个问题,说说您对今日中国的看法?
Warwick Ross: I think modern day China is a dynamic, it’s in intriguing, it’s beguiling, it’s romantic, it’s dangerous, all of these things.沃里克·罗斯:我认为现在中国充满活力,充满诱惑和浪漫,机遇与挑战并存。
Warwick Ross: Adventure. All of these things ripe into one country. That’s what makes it so fascinating for west audiences. You can have all of those things in one place. And it’s surging ahead, it’s so dynamic right now. The future for China is incredible. I’m just waiting to see what happens next twenty thirty years.沃里克·罗斯:充满挑战。这所有一切发生在一个国家中。这对西方观众很有吸引力。这些元素聚集在一个地方。现在中国突飞猛进,充满活力。中国的未来是无法想象的。我很期待二三十年后中国的样子。
2015-07-10 03:39:25